Aug 3, 20211 min

New County Kerry records at RootsIreland

New Irish records online are always welcome especially when they are pre-1800. RootsIreland has released 21,000 Catholic baptism and marriage records for County Kerry.

They are:

  1. Causeway baptisms 1783-1900 and

  2. Abbeydorney marriages 1836-1900.

To search these and other County Kerry records, click here for the correct landing page.

Although RootsIreland is a subscription site, they are free to search and pay to view. For example, I searched for John Lynch in County Kerry born 1825 plus/minus five years which returned the following results:

While you might not want to sign up for a full subscription based on these results, conveniently, RootsIreland allow one day or one month access for Euro 15 and Euro 30 respectively.

How did you go?

I'd love to hear from you in the Comment section below if you found any new records for your County Kerry ancestors.

Don't hesitate to share this blog post with anyone you know who has County Kerry ancestors.

In the meantime, happy Irish ancestor hunting.

Your Family Genealogist

Pictures : Pixabay and RootsIreland

Gif: Wix

#yourfamilygenealogist #CountyKerrychurchrecords